
Monday, April 26, 2010


When I started nursing my first, the idea of nursing for a year was scary and overwhelming, but even before she was born, I knew I needed to set a goal and stick to it. That's just how I operate. So, I started with six months.

After the first day, six months seemed like an eternity. You can read about the issues I had here. I didn't know how I'd make it past the first six weeks. But, like it says in that post, we got through it. I did start supplementing at 4 months because she was on the small side and I just not able to get anymore milk out. But ultimately, I made it to 6.5 months. Yay.

With my second, I set the same goal. I had a rough start with her as well, but I haven't written about that yet so you don't know. But we made it and things got better and better and better. So, at six months, I made the decision to go to nine months. Here I sit, nine months and 6 days later and we are still going strong. We are going to attempt to make it until the end of June. Her birthday is in late July and I want to start weaning her in June while we are on vacation. But we'll see. I'm letting her tell me what she wants.

I'm a believe in goals. It's good to say "I'm going to stick this out for X days/weeks/months." It gives you something to work toward. A starting point. A road map.

Would you just get in your car and drive around with no idea where you are going? Would you set off on a hiking trail and just decide later how long you will hike? I guess maybe some people would. That's why I'm not governing voice on nursing. Just sharing my experience. So, what's your's?

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