
Friday, August 13, 2010

Fortunate soul

I’ve been lucky. I’ve had two jobs in the span of time that I’ve had my two children and both jobs have been supportive of my pumping situation.

At the first job, I had my own office and could shut and lock the door for privacy as often as I needed it. I did put a piece of tape over the lock that said “Do Not Disturb” just to be clear that people should not enter the room. I really never had to tell anyone what I was doing or how often I was doing it. It wasn’t a big deal.

The second time around, I wasn’t working in a private office so it was apparent when I was coming and going. I also pumped in a room that had a semi-public bathroom and a fridge and coffee maker in it. I undoubtedly always interrupted someone’s trip to retrieve their Diet Coke. But my boss was accommodating and would even help me out if something was schedule around my designated pumping times.

I can’t imagine being unable to pump at work or being faced with such a challenging work schedule that you can’t get away. What if you wanted to nurse but couldn’t because of your job? It’s just mind-blowing.

I was so happy to see this article this morning: 5 Things Employers Should Know About Breastfeeding. It appears the new health care bill is going to lay some groundwork for right for nursing mothers and I’m thrilled. Now if we could only do something about the awful maternity leave rules, I’d be elated.

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