
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Late night follies

Night feedings have always been tough for me because I have a tendancy to doze off while nursing.I have had to find ways to keep myself awake while feeding my little ones.

I know lots of people who co-sleep and do the side-lying nursing. I can do that, but I HATE sleeping with me wee one. She beats me up. No lie. She is brutal. So, I get up and feed her and put het back to bed.

The first few months when I was up numerous times, the only thing that kept me up was the TV. I would get het, change her diaper, carry her to our living room and watch a how I had recorded on the DVR for the 30-40 minutes it took her to eat. As she got a little older, the light of the TV actually roused her so that was not an option anymore. Instead my iPod Touch became my new best friend. With wi-fi, I could get online and read the news or my email with one hand. In fact, that's how I am typing this right now.

As she got even older yet, moving to the living room seemed to wake her up too much, so I moved to nursing in her bedroom on the glider. From this spot, I browse the web on my iPod or read a small book if it is light enough outside.

I am not one of those moms that can gaze longingly at their child while nursing. I am too tired. Gazing and rocking in a warm, dark room puts me right to sleep...and most of the time it does the same for my sprout.

So, what do you do to stay awake at night?

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