
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Disposable versus Reusable

Alright girls, let's talk breast pads.

With my first, I rarely needed them. I have no idea why. Inverted nipples plus not a lot of engorgement meant virtually no leaking. I think I came into my second pregnancy with a nearly full box. This time around, well, like everything else about the pregnancy/baby/nursing relationship...this too was way different.

Within the first few weeks, I had gone through my existing supply and was on to a new box. Friends who had left overs passed them my way. I was pretty much sticking with the Lansinol brand nursing pads. They come individually wrapped, which was nice because I could use just one if one needed to be changed and the other didn't.

I don't know about you, but I actually don't know why those things are made with stickers on the back. I never used them. I also wasn't a huge fan of the texture for some reason. They seemed to bunch up in places and leave me (already feeling post-partum unattractive) feeling lumpy and out of sorts.

But they did the job. The were absorbent, they were the right size and I could toss them each time I nursed or pumped without a worry.

But, there is something about throwing them away that made me feel like I was just adding so much more to the diapers and other things I was already throwing away. So, on a grocery shopping trip to a local big-box store, I swung by the baby area to pick up another box of the disposables but right next to them were the reusable cloth ones. I figured I'd give them a try.

I like them for all the reasons I didn't like the disposables. Mainly, I'm not contributing to landfill overcrowding. But also, they were soft and they didn't bunch. But I hated them for all the reasons I loved the disposables. I had to remember to wash them or I would run out...and with a new baby the last thing on my mind was laundry. Maybe more than one pack would have helped with that. They came with six in a pack so I just had to make sure they were washed and put away before I needed more. That didn't always happen. Plus, apparently round, white pieces of cloth are food to the sock-eating-monster as well. They would disappear only to reappear after the last load, probably with stories of being stuck under the agitator or inside of a pant leg.

I tried them both. And maybe because I'm on a try-to-be-more-green-and-healthy kick right now, I'd buy more of the disposables. They were what I needed.

Here are some links to places to buy them:

FYI, for the disposable kind: Order them when you get your diapers and you often get over the $50 so shipping is free!

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