
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Right heavy

As I've started to wean, it's clear what side my baby preferred, not that I didn't know it already. It's the right side, which is common in right handed women and I am one. However, I wasn't prepared for that side to be so...obviously favored.

It's really common for one side to produce more and therefore be noticeably bigger, but it's not a big deal. It just makes me feel super self-conscious right now. Normally, I would pump or nurse and it wouldn't be quite so apparent, but in this case, while I'm weaning there isn't much I can do.

This weekend we were at the beach with some family and I was wearing a bathing suit. I knew it was visually obvious that I was a little bit....lopsided...but my husband assured me no one was looking....there.

Okay right, engorgement plus lopsided boobs plus a bathing suit....everyone is looking.

But since then, I've decided to take a new approach. I can't do anything about it. Babies changed my hips, babies changed my tummy, heck babies even changed my thighs. While exercise and diet have helped bring those things in line, it took time. And this will take time too. Pretty soon, I'll be back to even sizes again and missing the days that uneven boobs was my biggest worry.

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